In the beginning, there was nothing.
Just an empty room.
Then, this guy showed up, and he thought:
'Oh my, is this an empty room!'
The guy was extremely creative, so he decided to show his creativity, and create something!
First he made something round. (he loves round things)
Then he painted it, added a few things, removed a few things, and voilá!
'Perfect.' he said joyfull.
For a day or two, he looked at it. He realized he missed a few things. First of all, it was way to dark in there.. So he grabbed a torch and hang it up. 'Hmm.. No, that's not right.' He took the lamp from the torch, changed it until it was round and hang it up again.
'That's the way I like it!' And so he continued. Another round-thingy was added. Then he went out for lunch and thougth about his project. And when he came back, he was full of ideas! So full, his lunch almost came out again! So, quickly he started to work again. He would make tiny little things that could live on his first round-thingy he made! Yes, and he named it 'Earth'. Why? Because earth is the same word for 'sand', and sand are actually little, tiny, microscopical ROUND stones! 'Hah!' he shouted, and started to make the creations that would live on his, so-called Earth.
First he came up with the most fantastic creations! Small, big, fuzzy, scaled everything you can ever think of, he made it.
But, still he was missing something.. 'All these creations, who will look after them when I go out for a holiday?'
'Perhaps, someone like me. Yes! But different, they all need to be different, and round.' But soon he figured out that round-things weren't always the best option. So, he changed a few things. And on day seven he had created his most wonderful and amazing creation he had ever seen! It looked like him, but still it was different. It was perfect! And he brought it to live.
But, the poor little guy was just as lonely as the creator. He knew the creation needed someone his size, someone who would keep him compagny. A she. A pretty she, a very attractive she! He made her, and she looked like him too, but she was different. And he gave them names.
'They shall be known as 'humans'.' he said.
'And the very first human I made, yes you little fellow, you shall be a 'male'. And you shall be a 'female'. And you shall live together, happily ever after :D'
But the female said: 'But I want to have children! What if my child will be a female too? Then who will run to you as you call 'Female! Come to me!'.'
'Oh boy, I sure hope she won't get more creative then me.' the creator thought. 'Very well then. You shall receive names. You male, your name shall be Adam. And you, female, your name shall be Epe.'
'What about Eve?' she asked.
The creator sighed. 'Alright then. Eve it is. I need a holiday.' So he grabbed his stuff, but discovered he was not quite finished. 'What will we eat?' Adam asked. The creator jumped in the air. He had almost forgot! So he made a few round this, that looked pretty eatable and gave them to Adam and Eve. And when he burried them and let it rain, a tree would grow, carrying more round things to eat! 'Perfect.' he said once again. And to prefent the humans from complaining he filled the holes in the Earth with water, so they could drink.
Now, the creator was so tired. But he loved his humans so much, he had to move on. Though, he would make it a little more easy. He made a thousand, miljion, triljion, round-thingies. Big and small and he devided them around the Earth. 'What's with all the round stuff?' Eve asked annoyed. 'I think he loves round stuff, honey.' Adam answered.
Now the creator could finally leave for his holiday. 'Don't do anything stupid while I'm gone. Like eating poisonous round thingies. It's not good for you. There could be a worm in it.. or something.'
Then he closed the door and left. 'Perfect.' he wispered.
Friday, March 23, 2007
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